3 Songs Every Nigerian Must Listen to as Nigeria Celebrates 58


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“Those who do not pray for their country for its survival and prosperity should be termed as enemies of the State”. Chimezie Udechukwu

This is no hate speech, but truly if you can't pray for your country to be peaceful and prosperous, then why are you a citizen? Is your citizenship worth only the taxes you pay? In this stage of our political development as a nation, what we need most from citizens is PATRIOTISM - love for the fatherland. This national need cuts across all strata of society. It is as much a leadership call as it as a followership injunction.

True patriots look beyond personal gains, to the good of the country. They are people who believe that their country can rise again like the Phoenix from the ashes. They are the ones who do not ask what their country can do for them but what they can do for their country.

In the words of Adaobi Precious Okoro

Do not think that the patriot is unaware of the sighs within the polity. Patriotism does not entail an absence of disappointment, anger, and the like. No. Patriotism is not allowing the hate suffocate the Virtue in you; It is the candle that burns in the dark, dark night, losing nothing by lighting others too. A patriot is one who is broken yet willing to still a patriot be, Defending with zest the land he loves unconditionally.

Today, 58 years of Nigeria’s Independence, three songs by three legendary artistes should be on the mind of every Nigerian as we reflect on the nearly six dcades of our corporate existence. After 58 years together, even though our leaders continue to divide us along ethnic , religious and economic lines; the widening of the inequality gap, these songs serve as a reminder of who we are as a people.

Funmi Adams' "Nigeria My Beloved Country"
This song which I grew watching the video on NTA 2 Channel 5 as a kid becomes quite instructive. She sang "I know a lot about my country, I know a lot because I care.... I know we have a great potential to do more than just survive Let’s build up our strength and pride Trust in God to be our God. Nigeria my beloved country, working together is the key... Our future is you and I".

In his 2018 Independence Day Speech, President Mohammadu Buhari stated as we celebrate the 58th Anniversary of our independence, we know we are on the right path. Although we have our differences, they count for far less than the values, virtues and common aspirations that unite us as a nation. We have so much for which we should be grateful, and in which we should rightly take pride. Our journey is not finished but we have come a long way.

TY Bello's "The Land is Green"
Here we see Nigeria as a rich cultivated Land, ripe and ready for Harvest. Are you ready as a labourer to Harvest the quantum opportunities inherent? TY Bello said in one of the verses “Standing alone can be a heavy load But my vows I won't be breaking Though my heart is aching I got a word and I won't let go It's Your will I'm seeking So I keep on believing”

Going back to his first Independence Day Speech in 2015, PMB noted we have all the attributes of a great nation. We are not there yet because the one commodity we have been unable to exploit to the fullest is unity of purpose. This would have enabled us to achieve not only more orderly political evolution and integration but also continuity and economic progress…Countries far less endowed have made greater economic progress by greater coherence and unity of purpose…Nonetheless, that we have remained together is an achievement we should all appreciate and try to consolidate. We have witnessed this year a change in our democratic development.

The need to hold on to our sworn allegiances to unity of our dear country is what this celebration calls for.

Timi Dakolo’s "Great Nation"
To me, this should be the new anthem; he reminded us of our greatness as a people, the strength in our diversity, the Beauty of our belief and the power in our unity! Such an amazing way to describe us as a people is something that calls for sober reflection.

Here him out;

Here we stand as a people
With one song, with one voice
We’re a nation, undivided and poised
We will take our stand, and build our land
With faith to defend what is ours

Here we are as a people
With one heart, for one cause
We’re determined to rebuild and restore
Where freedom reigns, and truth prevails
A land where there’s hope for us all
A land where there’s hope for us all

We’re all we have, we’ll defend our land
We believe in this nation, and we know we’ll get there
We’re all we have, we’ll defend our land
We believe in Nigeria and the promise she holds
And that one day we’ll shine like the sun
We’re a great nation

Though we are many people
Different tribes, different tongues
We’re united in our strength and resolve
To uphold the honour of our land
And for generations to come
And for generations to come

We’re all we have, we’ll defend our land
We believe in this nation, and we know we’ll get there
We’re all we have, we’ll defend our land
We believe in Nigeria and the promise she holds
And that one day we’ll shine like the sun
We’re a great nation

Nigeria Nigeria
Nigeria Nigeria
Nigeria Nigeria
Nigeria Nigeria
Nigeria Nigeria
Nigeria Nigeria
Nigeria Nigeria

We’re all we have, we’ll defend our land
We believe in this nation, and we know we’ll get there
We’re all we have, we’ll defend our land
We believe in Nigeria and the promise she holds
And that one day we’ll shine like the sun

We’re all we have, we’ll defend our land
We believe
We’re all we have, we’ll defend our land
We believe
We’re a great nation

Image result for Nigeria at 58Patriots are social engineers, Leaders, Volunteers; they are trust worthy, dependable, transparent, not vindictive; they ever willing; they are outspoken again injustice, Promote social Justice, are accountable and, believe in community development. Most importantly, they believe in the mantra Non Sibi , Sed Patriae – Not for Self, But For Country!

For more shades of greener celebrations, MayGod bless Nigeria!


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