The power of love or love of power?


"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix. Peace comes from a Heart that loves. You can not love someone or something and still be violent. Love propels Peace. Have you have wondered why Jesus is referred to as the "Prince of Peace"?

It is because Jesus' love for us is so great that he allowed himself to be arrested, tortured, ridiculed, crucified and died for love of us. The power of love in him who then see him rise again at Easter breaking chains of death and then sending us the Holy Spirit. A Heart that can not love cannot give peace.

God's love for us inspire us to Love and live right. When we ignore His Love, we become restless, we lose focus, we can not share the Love because we do not possess such and these lead to frustration and aggression with violence as its final result.

We all can achieve peace, but first we must Love everyone not because of what we stand to gain, but because of the love of God working in us through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is superior When compared with the mindless struggle for, use and consolidation of power.

Morning prayer 
Thank you, Lord, for making me a citizen of your Kingdom. I will stand erect and raise my head, ready to advance your Kingdom in this world. My precious Lord, I believe in your love for me. I want to be yours alone. I want to reach out to you today. I repent of any sin that blocks me from encountering you. Please show me, the saint I can become. Make known to me your ways. Teach me your paths. Guide me by your fidelity and teach me, for you are my saviour. Open my eyes that I may see you more clearly. Open my heart that I may love you more faithfully. Empower me to be a blessing to everyone I meet today. Amen. 
Good morning 
Have a fruitful working week ahead.

Happy birthday Agnes Zeime Omoifo, Mercy Ozoekwe and Lucy Ibe. Congratulations dear friends may your new age come with great blessings.

Speaker, Compere, Volunteer. 
Think it! Believe it! Work at it! Achieve it!

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