I have been asked by over 15 people why I do not have a blog. "I do o, just too lazy to put posts up," I reply. Started my blog in 2013 after being inspired by a charity trip I went for with Rotaract Club. The words in my head were just too much seeking for an outlet of release.
Hence, came into existence. I am not so serious with this blog as there's always an excuse for not writing when I plan to. In a year, I can just publish on the blog a maximum of 5 posts, most times 3, sometimes none. As at today, I have written for 7 days consecutively as opposed to 5 times in a year. Not bad. Not bad at all.
I asked for a raise today. Well, not for me, for our office assistant. I have noticed his attitude towards work and how he tries to take care of everyone. Virtually the whole office loves to send him to do stuff for them, either for work or personal related. He never complains...
This guy doesn’t mind to walk to Seme border, take okada and go to Ogun State via Ikorodu (my new found land). The odd thing is, he comes back sweaty and sun burnt, but he's grinning as he gives you feedback! The Managers love to tease him especially with his "calabar English" accent he's been blessed with.
The trainees relate well with him though it's pretty obvious that he's a good number of years older than them! I was ready to defend my actions- why I felt he deserved a raise especially to the Managing Director but there were no questions asked about this.
This is will be short; do the ordinary things extraordinarily well. No one is irreplaceable but always let your trademark be seen. Everyone is passing through one struggle or the other. Be nice.
Ecclesiaistes 9: 10- Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might.