In most leadership classes, the major question always asked by the lecturer is “are leaders born or are they made“? This question believe comes with heated and controversial responses and rightly so. Now, it is not my intention to start analyzing both sides (I welcome your comments on this though), but I have always been a firm believer that leaders are made.
In 2008, I attended "The Platform" an annual event organized by the Covenant Christian Centre, CCC That year, the event held in Tafawa Balewa Square, Lagos and it had thousands of young people in attendance. It was an amazing way to celebrate Nigeria at 48. I was an undergraduate student preparing to resume my third year of studies.
It was there that I met for the first time, Dr. David Oyedepo and Mrs. Ibukun Awosika. While Mrs Awosika Taught me the principles of humble beginnings and the fact that when God chooses to bless you, protocols are broken just so the you are well located; Bishop Oyedepo taught me the need for me to discover my purpose on time so I don't run in circles and blame God or other people unnecessary for my failures just like many others do today.
True, God‘s plans for us are GREAT! Yes, but we need a period of discovery. When God told the Israelites about the land of Canaan, they had to work towards achieving it and that meant a long WALK!
Our destiny (Akaraka for the Igbos or Kadara for the Yorubas) is a beautiful plan mapped out for us but this beauty can be cut short, nipped in the bud and distorted if we become passive in life or even begin to chase the wrong shadow.
Have you ever seen a person who says he is a medical doctor who is either afraid of blood or who hates taking of people? The point here is, we must make effort on our part to locate the blessings God has deposited in us. Remember He created us in HIS own image to become even higher than Angels (because Angels are messengers from God to man and vice versa).
Many of us become underachievers and failures in life because we set ourselves the task of determining what we will become on one hand, and on the other hand, we fail to complement God‘s effort by making a move.
For every man who succeeded and whose life you try to emulate or replicate, look well and deep. That man discovered his purpose. He di not go determining for himself, he allowed himself flow with God's plans for, reached deep within, discovered his gifts and channeled it into the right venture . By doing this, he did not fire blanks like many do today. This is why many find it difficult to succeed today.
My dear friend, make a move today, take a step towards discovering that which has been determined. Get back on track and fulfill your destiny in life as determined by God! The world awaits your impact and it can only benefit from the many gifts you have if you learn to discover why you are here on earth.
It is my prayer that we all cooperate with the Holy Spirit in order that He will order our steps in the right direction.
May the odds ever be in your favour!