You, Peace, The Price, The Prize


Image result for Images for people and peace“For unto us a child is born. Unto us a Son is given and his government shall be upon his shoulders. And his name shall be called wonderful, counselor, Almighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace...” I love George Fredrick Handel and his beautiful compositions.

The babe Jesus, born into the world remains for us, a sure sign of hope, of peace of happiness and joy.  Our World is engulfed in terrorism, conflagrations; humanitarian crises leading to refugees and all time high Internally Displayed Persons, IDPs situation. From Syria to Turkey, Nigeria to Sudan, the story of wanton destruction and waste is not only gory, but seem intractable, thus the growing increases of the victims of the absence of peace.

The six essential elements of the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs are Dignity, Prosperity, Justice, Partnership, Planet and People as stated by UN Secretary General Ban Bi Moon. Nigeria’s President Muhammed Buhari in his address to the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly UNGA added a possible 7th "Peace" and rightly so.

 Peace isn't just an absence of war, fear, Conflict, anxiety, suffering and violence it is about harmonious coexistence. It is chiefly concerned with creating and maintaining a just order in the society and the resolution of conflict by non-violent methods, thus promoting Freedom, social Justice and safety, and guaranteeing the human rights of the citizens of the world.

Image result for Images for Mandela and Peace
Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela were strong proponents of the non-violent means to resolving issues, rather than resorting to conflict thereby creating crises.

For peace to thrive, there must be mutual respect and tolerance strengthened by a culture of acceptance. We must learn to accept people for who they are, respecting their differences; and striving hard to promote the similarities that unite us. This is the bulk of UNESCO’s Culture of Peace Campaign. This is the price we must pay to enjoy peace.

Peace is isn't an ambiguous dream that is unrealizable; rather, it is a goal that we all must pursue with sincere Intentions. The world needs you so it can enjoy peace and achieve global development. Peace fails as a result of an absence of respect and understanding and a further tolerance of the views of other people. Remember; God did not create two people same, even Siamese Twins. There are differences between them. Variety is the spice of life, therefore, if there is no understanding and cooperation among the ingredients in a pot of soup, that soup will come out awfully bad. So it is with our relationships with people.

"Whatever you are, be a good one". Abraham Lincoln.

Being good at what one does shows the passion and commitment one attaches to what one does. If you are good, then you are good.

We live in a world where social validation is the norm, when you are as good as people say you are, hence we strive to please people while driving ourselves away from what brings us fulfillment and contentment. When we let this happens, it affects our peaceful disposition, because it allows people with negative intentions to influence and rule our minds. Alan A Milne once said "you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think". I couldn't agree less. Use your qualities to promote peace.

When we understand the enormity of the greatness in us, then there is no need for social approvals. If our Father in Heaven validates us by the huge depository of graces in us, then whose permission do we need to excel and succeed?

[Related Posts] "Intellectuals are the new celebrities" says Isaac Okpoku Adjei Secretary General, GIMUN 2016.

Image result for Images for Mandela and PeaceIntellectuals are creative people who continue to go beyond borders, push themselves beyond the limits set by men. Intellectuals do not necessarily being bookish, nerdy or geeky. They are problem solvers, solution drivers, innovators, strategists and peace builders. [Yeah, not the regular peacekeepers or peace enforcers. They are more of Peacemakers if you ask me].

An Intellectual seeks to make the world a better place. The world is need of more Intellectuals who would deploy their intellect to addressing the many problems facing our World today. Thus, if you are already into the business of building peace, then I join the world to celebrate you as the new celebrity. This is the prize for peace!

Still, we need more! So this piece is for you, let’s give peace a chance by first respecting our differences and embracing our similarities. There is beauty and strength in diversity!

"Since war begins in the mind of men, the defenses of peace must begin from the mind of men". UNESCO Constitution.

#Peace #MadeTough


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