Why You must Win Before the Fight


Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win" Sun Tzu

The game of boxing is such an intriguing sport. Aside the blows each of the boxers receive, one striking part of that sport, is the build up to the match. There is a whole lot of theatrics between them, especially during the promotions and press conferences. The main fight is in those confrontations, the ones before the ring. 

Image result for images for ChessThe game of chess teaches you among others, one vital lesson - planning. You can't just move because you want to move! The need to be calculative and strategic in every move cannot be over emphasized.

There are consequences and rewards for every movement. The goal of every warfare is to win without fighting and if there must be a fight, to reduce the casualty as much as possible. It is so too with the journey towards success.

Charles Umeh says, “Don’t ever hesitate to give yourself a chance to be everything you are capable of being. It’s better to cross the line and suffer the consequences of a lesson learned, than to just stare at that line for the rest of your life and always wonder. Remember, courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid; courage means you don’t let your fear stop you.” Need I say more?

The battlefield is fraught with many manoeuvres, manipulations and unexpected expectations. It is not for the fainthearted or the effeminate.  Understand the endgame before you launch out into the deep. 

And when you do launch, be merciless! Seek no permissions, you can apologize later, but mehn, go deep!! You don't get what you expect; you get what you inspect so at every time, reference to the plan is important to check your progress.

Wayne Dyer once said "Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life." 

This is instructive especially if you are looking to have peace and also succeed. This year, I have a plan. That plan scares the little melanin I have out of me each time I think of what I must do to achieve it. But I am not afraid! I believe it is doable. I am hopeful! 

Hope is great! Faith in that hope is a tonic! When you learn to win before you fight, now that is Sweet Victory!


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