Love vs lust: why should there be relationship?


When a boy meets a girl, what comes first to him, "love or lust"? When a girl meets a boy what does she think about," a parasitic or symbiotic association"? This is the major bane of societal ills in our world today - the misconception of relationship.

A relationship is a state of connectedness between people [especially emotional]; it involves mutual dealings, promotes friendship and allows both parties to grow and develop, thereby becoming better than they were when they first met. It must have rules and intended goals.

Every relationship has its relevance; a nexus, a need to be achieved, whether causal, personal or logical. Whatever the reason, it involves two or more peoples with the intent to grow, to become better, to achieve more for themselves. Relationships are not meant to be emotionally draining, it is meant to be socially and spiritually edifying.

No doubt there are different kinds of relationships as there different stages of relationships, but whichever be the case, there is a state of preparedness to be observed. You don't just jump into every relationship though the very essence of creation itself is for relation with one another - Companionship (Genesis 2:18).

When it comes to emotional relationships, Do you belong to the class of people who just leave everything to chance with the ever resonating cliché ‘anything that comes out of it is fine by me’, or ‘he / she will adjust with time, just leave him / her alone’. The truth is, it doesn’t always happen and we  end up losing out in whatever form of relationship we find ourselves.

So what do we do? Simple!

Be prepared mentally. Set the rules, define the objectives and keep the lines of communication open.

Never forget!

A real relationship has fights, tears, hurts, faith, hope, trust; it has sweet smiles and genuine laughter. A real relationship has very weird, stupid and unnecessary arguments, it has patience, understanding, communication, secrets, jealousy, sometimes hate but above all, it has LOVE!

So when next you want to relate with someone, put yourself in check, wear your shock absorber and you would be immune from any emotional wreck if things didn't turn out well.

Relate well!
May your June be Joyous!

Morning prayer 

Lord, you created me to love and be loved. Help me to break out of patterns of isolation and selfishness so that I can know deeper communion with you and with those you have placed in my life. Please give me a heart that loves what is good and in accord with your will. Fill me with your wisdom that I may understand your ways. Give me the grace and courage to reject whatever is evil and contrary to your will. Help me to embrace your call to holiness, and keep me close to you. Shield me today from discouragement so that I can be a visible sign of your love and presence. May you give me the joy of knowing that my life is coming into alignment with yours. Amen. 

Good morning 
Have a blissful day.
Happy new month.

Speaker, Compere, Volunteer. 
Think it! Believe it! Work at it! Achieve it!

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