Someone once said that the manipulation of information to achieve what was seemingly difficult, that is wisdom. Another said, that wisdom isn't gleaned from books, only knowledge is acquired through such ventures. These two points gained relevance at that event, now that got me really thinking.
You see, the debaters had huge knowledge of the topics, armed with an avalanche of facts, and the confidence of Mohammed Alli [May he rest in peace], but their Achilles heels was the inability to manage the information at their disposal. Now this is where wisdom becomes an asset.
We may have all the information, facts, statistics available to us, but if we lack the processing and application power, then there would be no wisdom profitable to is therefore imperative that we learn to not just acquire knowledge but also understand the technique with regards to its applications.
Wisdom guarantees hope, hope itself empowers us to pursue wisdom. I hope you find this poem helpful.
What is life without hope?
Where lies the will to live if there isn't hope?
The engine of existence hinges on hope.
Hope provides fertility for faith to gestate.
It waters the ground for charity to levitate.
Hope is a dynamite that removes doubt from our future.
Hope let's us see the picture of the future we want to feature in.
With hope, we trudge on, relentless in our resolve to fit in.
The man who hopes is bold.
Hoping in itself enlivens;
One who had hoped is sure of attainment,
Hope is the elixir that makes us experience the beauty of God on earth.
There is hope in the future and a future in the hope.
Life is beautiful because of our hope.
Heaven is certain because of our joyful hope.
Hope is being to see that there is light, despite all the darkness. Desmond Tutu
Dedicated to those who feel life's crushing burden, may the elixir that hope brings, rejuvenate and reinvigorate them.