What to do when distraction becomes the new attraction.


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One of the most recurring catchphrases in the 21st century is the word ‘busy’. If you to want assume an aura of importance, just say you are busy. If you don’t want people to disturb you tell them you are very busy. If people perceive you as being too time consuming or they find your company repulsive, they apply the dismissive wand of being too busy to attend to you.

People tend to be too busy even for family, friends and even personal time. I have fallen into that trap myself more than once and I tell you it is not a nice experience. While it is not bad to be busy especially when you are productively engaged in something that generates results that are beneficial to not just you alone but to other people, it becomes negative when it is a ploy to drive away your attention from real issues; leaving you to dissipate your energy while chasing many things at the same time with not clear results.

In my university days, one of my friends Chinonso Arubayi taught me a vital lesson that still guides some of my decisions;. I was in charge of Public Relations of Bold Concept, an initiative we started in school then to Build Opinion Leaders with a Difference and as part of my strategic plans I suggested to the team that we expand to other campuses at least within the South East and she coolly replied “Ojisi, we have to grow deep before spreading out”.

Yes one can be truly busy in the pursuit of certain goals and objectives. On the other hand too, being busy can be too distracting and it keeps taking you further and further away from the little things that truly matters.  Hence, we become attracted to distractions and distractions become the real attractions. I have been there severally and am pretty sure there are many of us who have, and are going through this same phase.

It is good to engage the mind, by continuous personal development thereby avoiding mental laxity.  Steve Covey once said “Every human has four endowments – self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom . . . the power to choose, to respond, to change”. Now I find this statement interesting because in employing these four endowments, we learn how to use our time and also allocate it to fit in everyone and every sphere of our lives.

For every “busy” person, there is a yearning for rest, for a pause, for timeout. But in many cases, these never happen and it is simply because many have crossed the Rubicon so that they no longer see it as distracting, but rather as an attraction to which they must constantly strive to capture and sustain.

Image result for Images for distractionFamily is priceless, friends are gifts, colleagues are helping hands, so knowing how to meet each need and respond to their demands while at the same time reaching for your personal goals and also achieving results is quite essential. Activity is not productivity! Grow deep and then spread, focus on the tasks with high deliverables. Everything is good but not all things are important.

While it is good to be engaged in something, remember, if it is not productive then you are busy, you are just wasting your time!

Speaker, Compere, Volunteer.
Think it! Believe it! Work at it! Achieve it!

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